Monday, December 03, 2007

Done Did It

After what I think is careful thought I have decided to sell the farm. My health hasn't been good lately and unlikely to improve and I just don't have the strength nor endurance to keep this place like I should. So I have put the farm on the market. The real estate office I have selected is United Country Heavely Hollow Real Estate their phone number is 800-798-6545 or their web site is
If for some reason the link doesn't work email me or send a comment and I will sort it out for you.

I will miss this place and the friends I have made here, this has been a very special part of my life and I thank the Lord that I have had this special journey.


Donna. W said...

Well, you made a go of it for awhile. There's a lot of hard physical labor on a farm, and I applaud you for staying with it as long as you have. I'm sure it hurts you to have to sell. When one door closes, another opens. So keep a stiff upper lip!

Cary ~ My Wool Mitten at Serenity Farms said...

Oh Julia! I agree with everything Donna said in her post, and I imagine you are happy to have had the chance to live your dream for the time that you did. But I know, too, what a hard decision this must have been for you to make and I hope you will keep on blogging - I have enjoyed reading so much. I pray the Good Lord will have His hand on you as you embark on this next leg of your lifes journey

Cary at Serenity Farms

nancyr said...

Good luck in the next, exciting chapter of your life. You lived your dream, and now you can embark on another.
I will miss your comments on farm life.

Anonymous said...

All the best to you, wherever you move to. It has been so interesting to follow your story. Now that you have first hand experience with your farm you can let it go. Much better than not to try at all.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

I have been quietly reading your blog since the beginning of it. I really should have let you know how much I've enjoyed your journey. I'm sure it hasn't been an easy decision for you, I hope that everything goes smoothly with selling and moving and that you will have better health too.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I am sorry you are not well and feel you have to sell. I admire your decisiveness in selling just as I admired it when you began.

You have done so much work on your place that the next owners will be able to carry the farm foreward.

Blaine Staat said...

I can't believe you are leaving but...I can understand too. Your property it just beautiful and I am sure it will be snatched up very quickly. I will have to find you a scented candle that smells like sugar cookies. That a great thing to have lit before potential buyers come looking at your place. I did that with our last house and people always commented on the fresh baked cookie smell!

I know that Carolyn will miss you! She is with her mom...I'm not sure if you knew that or not. I can fill you in with the details over the phone or maybe the next time we come over to check on Little Miss Soupie. We are trying to make sure that rogue chicken doesn't steal all her kitty food - bless her little heart! :O)

We are editing the other book now. We had thought Carolyn had left a draft of it with you but she had taken it with her. We will be sure to get you a copy!

I loved your description of the wood stove...there is something so homey about that! I love this time of year not only because of the smell of the wood burning in the air but looking out across the way and seeing smoke coming out of everyone's chimney. It is also a great indicator as to how my bread will rise that day! ~winking~ I'll find out the next time Blaine heads over to Carolyn's and have him drop of some homemade bread or rolls for you.

Well! I have certainly written a book here! Stay warm!

Love and God's Blessings,
(who is using Blaine's acct. name but it's me!)

Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

Julia -- you have done a wonderful job with your farm! The land and the home have been blessed by your presence. I look forward to reading about your next adventure.

Kay at The Rustic Cottage

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!

xoxo Blaine, Cat and Family!

Debby said...

Your farm and blog have inspired me as I dream of my own farm one day (in fact I wish I could buy yours, but it is a bit too far from family unfortunately!) Wishing you many blessings for 2008!

Debby in New Zealand

Teresa said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog this morning in return! I realize that I've actually seen you once before, at Wally World. I won't lie, your stature made me notice you (especially since I'm a low-to-the-ground body type.) LOL! Something kept urging me to speak to you, but I thought I was being silly. Little did I know that you lived in the same county and had a blog too! I wish I had spoken and met you earlier.

I am so sorry to read that you have been having trouble with you health. I do hope that you will continue to recover and find joy wherever your journey leads you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Julia said...

Thanks everyone, it never ceases to amaze me at the number of people who have enjoyed my simple blog of my life on the farm.
Bless you all in the new year!

McKinley said...

I was wondering if your farm is still for sale? I would love to have some information on it and come out and take a look. I am looking to buy a farm this summer and love yours!
Thank you very much!