Saturday, July 29, 2006

Plumbing Project

This will be an on going project. I am putting in a bathroom, at least a shower, sink and toilet. I have torn out the shelves in the pantry and I have reinforced the floor with plywood. I have purchased a toilet and shower stall. I have to build a wall for the stall to be mounted to so it won't fall over.

I have had to learn a lot more about plumbing. It can be complicated. There are many factors to keep in mind at the same time. There is a drain/waste system, a vent system, and a water supply system. I have the drain and vent system in place now without the pieces being glued together so I can adjust and move them as I build around them. I have started the wall. I have the vent going from under the house up through the floor and through the ceiling and out the roof.

My next purchase is a sink and cabinet to put it in, then I will know where the supply and drain lines are to go for the sink and I can drill those holes and fabricate the drain connection for the sink. After that I can start joining the drain pipes together. First everything has to fit.

I will be adding to this post as I go along. I sure hope that it all works well. I haven't done this much plumbing before.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Baby sitting gig

Here are photos of my babies I am minding for a neighbor while she takes a trip.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

New photos

Just thought I would post a few pictures of the farm to show how things are going and what they look like so when I talk of them folks will know what I am talking about.

The pasture has been cut and the result has been rolled into these big round bales. My neighbors said they could use this for their cows later in the year. I thought it would be low grade as there were a lot of weeds in with the grass. The pasture needed mowing as I don't have stock to graze this much pasture. I think I will have to do something about that.

One photo shows the new fence off very well. I worked hard and long on that fence it took the help of a friend and two workers to finnish it. I still need to put some more paint on it in places to protect the fence from the weather.

The best crop from the garden so far has been the peas - they were very tasty even in their immature stage when you can eat pods and all. Later as peas out of the pod I would eat them as I stripped them out of the pods, sweet and delicous. May get a cabbage or two, had some summer squash, cucumbers, onions and there may be water melons later, the small sweet ones. I will be planting some more green beans, carrots, lettuce this month for the fall garden.

The gourds look like they will give us lots of gourds for bird houses to attract the Purple Martin birds. We have six gourd bird houses on a wire from house to the barn, I would like to add a dozen more. Purple Martins eat insects that make life unpleasant for man and beast.

The next big project is getting the bathroom installed the septic system is in so we can hook up anytime we are ready. I have taken all the shelves out of the pantry and given the pantry two coats of primer and two coats of satin white. I hope to put beadboard around the walls and stain it oak to match the rest of the house. This is going to be a long project and I am going to try it myself. If I get into trouble I will get someone to help.

Had an interesting experience when walking the pasture. A deer came running by me and my dog Shelby. Shelby couldn't resist and ran after it the deer ran about the field looking for a way out. Samantha was taking pictures of her bird houses and caught a nice shot of the deer leaping. This was a young deer.