Monday, October 30, 2006

That strange feeling in the chest

As some of you know I have been ill for a few weeks. It all started about the beginning of October I had some pressure in my chest and having been diagnosed with cardiac disease some years ago I felt it prudent to have my records transferred to my new doctor here in Kentucky. One day being in town I stopped by to see if the records had been transferred and they had. I made an appointment that day to see the doctor about the records. He ordered an EKG and based on what he saw he insisted that I go immediatly to the ER located at the Regional Medical Center about forty-five minutes away. The next thing I know I am in an ambulance headed to the ER. Scary, very scary. I spent overnight there and they ran some tests and I guess I looked good enough to go home and they released me with an appointment to see a Cardiologist in few days.

Oct 20th, I was home and I didn't feel good, I had some pressure in the chest and after a nitro tab it didn't abate. So I called a neighbor to ask him to take care of my animals and he said sure what's up? I told him and he offered to take me to the ER in town, I accepted. I am so glad I did, because as time went on I felt worse. I am not sure I could have driven all the way myself. When I got to the ER they got all the records from the Medical Center and deceided I was going back there by ambulance again. When I got there I was told I was going to be prep'd for a cardio cath that is when they put a tube into the artery in your groin all the way to your heart and then release some dye to see if there are any blockages. You guessed it I had 'em, one at 80%a and one at 70%. I was then told I was being transferred to the next hospital for stents to be put in to increase the blood flow so with the catherer still in me I was loaded into another ambulance and off we went to the next hospital. There two stents were placed in my heart.

I am home now thanks to many people who cared about me and did their job in a very professional manner. I am grateful to my neighbors who took care of my place and me. I feel very lucky to have such nice people down the road.

I am recovering well, and hope to be back to my usual activities within a few weeks, a little humbler than before and ever so grateful.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Quiet Sunday

This has been a lovely quiet Sunday. The chickens are out hunting bugs and such like good chickens should, the goats are out and munching on brush and weeds like good goats should, the dogs are out keeping an eye on everything just like they should. Just a peaceful day here on the farm. We had a killing frost for the past couple of days and that did in the gourd vines so what we have harvested is what we will use for bird houses this coming spring. Now the gourds are behind the stove drying until spring and I cut, clean and paint them to be bird houses for the Purple Martins that will be flying our way and hopefully picking our birdhouses to nest in and rare their off spring.

I got some fresh straw Saturday and feed for the chickens and goats stopped by a neighbor's house to ask about a visitor to the farm he might know of and I found out he had cut himself with a chain saw and he was trying to decide whether to go to the Doctor's office or go to the Emergency Room. When I left he was getting ready to go to the Emergency Room and get that sliced knee sewed up. I think I will call him this evening and see how he is doing.

Stopped by my neighbor's house to check on him this evening. He was up all night with pain and stayed in his recliner as the thought of moving to bed was just to painful. He had over twenty-five stitches to close the wound. He will be laid up for about a month. We talked about a lot of things besides his wound, like the cost of living, how to fix metal roofs, who does repair work in the Amish community and how to get a hold of them, and a few stories thrown in for good measure.

The picture above is that neighbor helping me lay gravel up the ramp to the hay loft.