Saturday, May 24, 2008

Auction Day

Today was the day for the Auction at the farm and as I write this it is over and everyone and everything is gone. The day started off by being cloudy and looking like it might rain, not a good sign. Then as the minutes ticked by and I didn't see anyone I began to worry no one was going to come to the Auction. Sort like inviting your friends to a party and no one shows up, only this could be a disaster. Then at 9am some folks arrived and by 9:30 am the front meadow was filling with cars and trucks and folks were walking up to the house along our road. By 10am we had a nice crowd of people listening to the Auctioneer's instructions on how the sale was to proceed and the Auction began.

I listened to the bidding and was trying to figure why some things were going for cheap and why others were going for high prices and I decided to just let it all flow and not worry about it. That didn't last long when the Auctioneer got to the vehicles my nerves were strung tight and the bidding on my pick-up truck started at a hundred dollars ! Yikes, my stomach felt like lead and then the bidding warmed up and I got a nice price for the truck. The next item was my Jeep Cherokee, I got a fair price for it and then the big item the tractor with front loader was being bid on. The bidding was slow at first and then started to pick up and it brought a very nice price. After that I relaxed a bit and went with the flow, some things went for a good price some didn't, in the end I was happy with how things went and was very glad the sale was over.

Lots of folks came up to me and wished me well in my move and in a way I was surprised at how many folks knew me. I just had never thought of who or how many people I met, I guess I made a fairly good impression from the comments of the folks at the Auction. Now is when then Auctioneer and his staff tally the sale and come up with the final proceeds. I think I will be okay with it, I have to be as that is the way it is....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Got her ready for the sale

Spent all day yesterday moving stuff around and loading two hay wagons with stuff for the sale. A lot of thought goes into an Auction sale and I deferred to the ones with the know how about how things work.

We have had several folks drop in on us to look at the tractor and a few more to check out the furniture and other stuff. First thing this morning a two men drove up in the yard and started looking at the tractor, they got a surprise when they turned around and Samantha was standing there with her 9mm. They had driven around our pick up truck that was blocking the driveway to stop folks from dropping in like they did. They were very apologetic just farmers getting an early start and wanted to check out the Tractor before the sale. When I saw Samantha with the pistol the song "Put that pistol down Momma" kept playing in my head and after then men left I laughed about how this would add to our lore in the neighborhood. I was the last one to that party as I was still fighting my way out of my sleeping bag when Samantha went out the door.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Details, Details and more details

Getting down to the last few days and doing all those things that have to wait to the last minute; calling the electric company, telephone company, water district, internet company, TV company, Post Office, Bank, Pharmacy, Doctor's office, on and on it goes. I am sure I forgot somebody just hope it isn't to important.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Joyful Cottage

One of my friends here in Kentucky is Lady named Ginny she runs a small business out of her home nearby. She has a site and sells gifts and sewing things. She knows her trade and comes
highly recommended by me. I have found her to be knowledgeable and has many useful things for sewers and quilters here is her site.

New Blog

I have started a new blog to report on my travels in an RV.
This is the address link

Hopefully we will have some adventures traveling around in our RV.

New Owners Arrive

Yesterday the new owners arrived with their moving van and filled the
barn with their belongings. Their four children were busy exploring the
place and running about playing. This place will have a lot of life in it with
this family :)

It took all day to unload their moving van because the van couldn't make
it down the driveway. The driveway was laid out for a horse and buggy
not for a big furniture moving van. So the van was parked at the end of
the lane and the boxes of stuff were shuttled back and forth to the barn.
Thank goodness I didn't have to do it.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Closing is done

I signed the closing documents yesterday. I have heard and felt buyer's remorse and now I know how it feels to have seller's remorse. I am going to miss this place and most of my neighbors. I know in a few weeks this will all be behind me and I will be involved in a new adventure. Still I feel a little sad.

The signing of the documents turned out to be a none event things are rather simple here in rural Kentucky not like the passing of papers in other states I have endured.

I have been sorting and packing stuff to fit in the RV. I can't put much in or I will be over weight. So I have contracted to have an auction and sell off most of my personal possessions. I don't own any important or expensive stuff, never could afford them. However, I do have lots of stuff one uses around a farm including a tractor, pickup truck and a jeep, lots of tools of course and other useful items. I hope the weather is good for the auction and that lots of people show up for it and are in a bidding mood.

Since my last post I have been in and out of the hospital with chest pain and had another heart catherization which went well however I suffered continuing pain and the Cardiologist put me on another medication to hopefully stop this new pain. I am hopeful that with this new medication life will be more comfortable. I am sure I will see more doctors and have more procedures; such is life. I am just great-full to be here and enjoy my little bit of this blue green marble spinning in the universe, I sure do love this planet :)