I signed the closing documents yesterday. I have heard and felt buyer's remorse and now I know how it feels to have seller's remorse. I am going to miss this place and most of my neighbors. I know in a few weeks this will all be behind me and I will be involved in a new adventure. Still I feel a little sad.
The signing of the documents turned out to be a none event things are rather simple here in rural Kentucky not like the passing of papers in other states I have endured.
I have been sorting and packing stuff to fit in the RV. I can't put much in or I will be over weight. So I have contracted to have an auction and sell off most of my personal possessions. I don't own any important or expensive stuff, never could afford them. However, I do have lots of stuff one uses around a farm including a tractor, pickup truck and a jeep, lots of tools of course and other useful items. I hope the weather is good for the auction and that lots of people show up for it and are in a bidding mood.
Since my last post I have been in and out of the hospital with chest pain and had another heart catherization which went well however I suffered continuing pain and the Cardiologist put me on another medication to hopefully stop this new pain. I am hopeful that with this new medication life will be more comfortable. I am sure I will see more doctors and have more procedures; such is life. I am just great-full to be here and enjoy my little bit of this blue green marble spinning in the universe, I sure do love this planet :)
I'm sad to see you leave what was once your dream, but things change and we have to roll with the flow. Be happy, enjoy life; wherever you go.
Going to miss reading your posts from Oak Spring Farm. Good luck on your new adventure and good health wishes too. Hope you will post about your new adventures.
I hope you will keep up with this blog when you can. It has been a real pleasure following along with you. Take care of yourself and God bless you.!
Vanleer, Tennessee
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