Saturday, December 23, 2006

New critter on the farm

Here is the newest addition to the farm a Jersey bull calf. He hasn't been named yet, but I was thinking of something like What's, like in what's for dinner ? Okay bad joke but he is burger on the hoof for someone, even if he is a cute little fella.

A very quiet day here at the farm Christmas day or any other day you still have chores to do and they can't wait. The is home now to lots of critters and I spend more time there taking care of them. However, there are farmers here who have thirty plus calves to take care of and they do it year after year, so my little calves are no big deal concidering what others do. It has been raining here for a few days so things are muddy and squishy, there may be snow later tonight, we are all snug and have plenty of wood in for the stoves and the animals have fresh straw bedding so we should be comfy and dry.

In the spirit of the season, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I have never met a calf that wasn't lovely. Before they are slaughtered they grown to be less charming, unless you mistakenly make a pet of them. Jersey bull calves are the least appreciated as a source of beef. Slow growing and not very big.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful challenging New Year.
I trust your health is improving.

Peggy said...

love your new addition! Hope all is well at Oak Springs.