- I thought over the expenditure for kitchen cabinets for some time. Folks who know me know I will agonize over spending money like ..... well, let's say I do too much think'n and fret'n. I went to a local cabinet company and they came out and measured and we discussed the possibilities.
I could have saved money and finished and installed them myself, but in the end I decided that it was better to have a pro do it instead of my doing a poor job with good materials. I think they look great. Once I down load the photos I will post them and show them off.
Twelve feet of counter space and six drawers, four double cabinets down and two cabinets up. I think it looks like it belongs to the house. Now I have to get the water line hooked up and the drain line also. That will take some work unless I wait until the electric service gets put in so I can use power tools Until the the sink is hooked up I'll wash the dishes in the sink using plastic dishpans and catch the drips under the sink with a bucket...love them buckets. I enjoy doing the dishes now because I can look out my kitchen windows and see the fields next to my house and two farms visible from my farm.
I am waiting for the soil sample results that I sent to the county extension office. I am sure I will have to lime the fields and maybe spread some fertilizer and seed also. Another task will be to repair/replace the fencing where needed this is requiring even more thought. I will have to decide what kind of fence and that will depend on what kind of livestock I will have. Maybe it isn't the wood stove I smell burning maybe it is my brain cells heating up...
Okay, so there will be a horse or two, two sheep, a calf maybe a cow or dairy goats. Hmmmm, looks like I will have to go with stock fence with electric fence to back it up. The chickens will free range so I only have to repair the hen house for them. It sure will be nice to have my own fresh eggs one day.
I have been so busy lately; I got an electrician to come out and quote me a price on getting electric put in the house. The Rural Electric Coop has had their stake engineers out to the farm twice and they have staked where the poles should go. I sure hope all this works out. I have been siding the washroom or trying to put siding on the washroom. Seems that there are no level or plumb lines and I end up redoing things and snipping here and there to make it fit. I am still wondering how I am going to get the sofit to fit..... sigh.
Dogs love riding in the truck now more than ever, cats are sassy and on the hunt, I am on a first name basis at the building supply stores, laundramat and bank; haven't heard from the mouse lately.
Monday, February 27, 2006
The Kitchen cabinets arrive
Monday, February 13, 2006
Telephone Saga Redux

The other day I was doing something that required some thought and I suddenly realized that the dogs were barking ??? I looked out the window and what to my eyes did appear but the vision of not one but two telephone trucks coming up the lane to my house!!!
Oh joy, stared, stunned at the vision of two men, two trucks and yes they where there to complete the installation of the telephone. Yes, it took two men to put one jack in the house, maybe that is why it costs so much....sigh
So I guess I can quit my bitch'n, complain'n and fuss'n about the telephone company ....nah
I am have'n to much fun with this, let's see what happens next....
It is so much fun to use the phone now that I don't have the cord going out the open window :)
It doesn't take much to make me happy I guess.
We had more snow and the weather was snowy cold and windy, I spent most of my time splitting wood and feeding the stoves. Recieved my seed order in the mail next will be the trees I ordered; then the chickens....
I have ordered a new door for the mud room; I sure hope it fits, if it doesn't it will mean a lot of work to make it fit.
I have a backhoe man coming to dig holes to test for the septic and another man coming to fix the metal roof, then there is the electric company, they are supposed to come and survey for the poles to bring in the electric line. Sheesh we are gett'n all modern now ain't we ?
Well nothing has happened yet so I am still using the oil lamps and biffy pot.
Life is good,
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The telephone Saga

I have been trying to get a telephone put in to the farm house and there has been one miss communication after another or no communication. Seems there are a few people at the telephone company without communication with each other. They also don't know much about telephones in rural areas. Twice I was told I could not have a phone because I didn't have electricity!
Needless to say this mis-communication between the various offices and sub-units and contractors caused me a lot of frustration. If I wanted to talk to the telephone company I had to get in my truck and drive up the road about four miles till I got a clear signal and then call on my cell phone and hope that the call didn't get dropped by the cell phone company....arrrgh
Many appointments were made to come to the farm and check the line and finnish the job and no one showed up. Some of the appointments were down right lies. Grrrrr.
Lo and behold I came home from town one evening and there were trucks working on the the telephone line to the house. They put in four poles and a wire said they would be back with a splicer and left. The following day they came picked up their equipment and left. No line to the house just a tall hitching post right next to the barn.
Well, the following week I was back on the cell phone to Altell and got the run around almost daily. this went on for two weeks and then all of a sudden out of the clear blue this man shows up with an old telephone truck and says he is going to get the phone hooked up but needs to find the signal and he has to start about five miles away. He left and I didn't see him until the following afternoon. He got the signal to the pole at the barn and because he felt sorry for me he rigged a line from the pole to the house.
I hooked up my extension cord for my phone to this line laying on the ground through a temporary box the man attached to the house. The next day two men showed up with a trenching machine and buried the cable; they said the big deal was over grounding the telephone line, but the telephone poles were grounded. The shook their heads and buried line and hooked my extion line to the box on the outside of house; the line leads through an open window. They said they didn't do the inside work that Altell would take care of that.
That was over a week ago; I called yesturday about the completing the work and the customer rep. left me on hold for a while and when she came back she said that the schedualer was trying to reach the tech and that the job would be finnished by five pm. Guess what? The job is not finnished. I had to come in town and do some business so I will be on the phone again tomorrow and around and around we will go again at least for now I don't have to use my cell phone and drive miles up the road to use it.
Sure is a nice hitch'n post though.
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