Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Amish Auction

I went to the Amish Auction today and it was a very nice experience. Compared to the previous auction the weather was delightful. The auction its self was located at a large farm there were several venues a lot of horse equipment, tools, household articals, a few private vendors lots of food and handmade crafts such as quilts.

I walked the areas and took note of what was for sale and there were a few items that I was interested in at a given price. I met a few folks that I have met before doing business in the community. There was a mixture of folks, with of course the Amish in abundance, Mennonite, Conservative Christian, tourists, local farmers, and a few sharp business folks.

It seems that everyone was in some sort of dress depicting their group/religous/non-religous beliefs. I wonder what my costume said about me? Most of the conservative ladies wore their traditional dress. I don't think one would ever see them not in their traditional dress. There were similarities, between the conservative groups, with distinct diffrences of detail such as the style of bonnet, yes they wear bonnets and properly tied I might add, fabric with or without design, the male members of the various groups could be identified by their hats, type of suspenders, colors of shirts quite an interesting sight. There seemed to be a lot of friendships between the various groups, many have know each other all their lives. I haven't a clue as to how far these friendships go, but from what I have seen there is a genuine respect between the groups and the local unaffiliated folks like ....well me.

I didn't think that I would go home with anything this time until the auction got to the quilts !
I had my eye on one special quilt cover (just the top part) it is called Sun Bonnet Sue, it has the profile of a girl's head wearing a Bonnet in various colors including pink and blue, very cute. I got the bid on this and I also got a quilt that is a block quilt with colors I like and a quilt with a lighthouse motif. All three quilts for less than $150. Yup, I am smilling here. Next year I am paying closer attention to the quilt auction one man walked off with at least six or more quilts and didn't pay more than fifty dollars for any of them. I bet he is selling them somewhere.

I also bought a pie, an oatmeal pie. I have never tried it before, the taste is sort of like custard you wouldn't know there was oatmeal in it unless someone told you the name. I bought some blankets from a vendor for anyone that drops by to keep warm in. I would say I had a good day.

I also enjoyed the horse auction, there were some nice horses and ponies that went up for sale a team of work horses went for $1000 dollars they were pretty greys the man who bought them looked like he knew his horse flesh. A buggy horse went for $500 with the understanding that you couldn't leave him untied when you stopped becaused he would wander of down the road with your buggy, this got lots of chuckles from the crowd. Quite a show when they are auctioning the horses. There were other live stock as well chickens, duck, geese, turkeys, rabbits, goats, and dogs,cats they went home with someone.

There were fruit trees and bushes for sale, even flowers, the trees looked first rate I was tempted to get more. I didn't see much farm machinery, there were comments that others made that they were disapointed that there weren't more farm equipment for sale.

I spent most of the day there and had a swell time. I got to share the pie with friends later a very good day...

More photos later


Peggy said...

I love reading about your life on the farm. And amish auctions are the best auctions of all in my book!

Rachel said...

Oh, what fun! I love quilts. Do we get to see a picture later??

Julia said...

I have the quilts being refurbished when they come back I will take photos and put them on this site. I like the quilt Sun Bonnet Sue very much.

Peggy said...

can't wait to see them. Hope you are having a good week.

Julia said...

This has been a hard working week here at the farm. I am putting in a fence line along the road coming into the house and barn, 700' of wooden fence, 80 posts to set. I am down to the last 25 posts and then the boards go on. O'boy I'm looking forward to that.

When the Amish lady finishes working on the quilts I will post some pictures of them.

Veronica said...

I have been keeping up with your blog for several months. I find it most educational, very entertaining and at times down right funny. My backgrownd is Beachy Amish. Blessings, Veronica

Lucy said...

Farm auctions are a lot of fun. The last one I went to was my high school's FFA auction which had more farm equipmet than you could shake a stick at. I went for a vegetable washer and left with two peach trees.

Patty said...

Hi. I hope you don't mind. I followed Peggy over here from her links. I have enjoyed reading your blog and especially your photo's.
I will look forward to seeing the quilts. The one of the girl in the sun bonnet made me think of a Aunt of mine. She made one like that years ago. My sister has it now. A lot of work went into it. Thanks for reminding me of it. I need to have her dig it out so I can see it again.

Christine said...

I've been remiss in stopping by to see how you're doing! Seems like life is treating you well! I wish I had Amish auctions close to me- I'd be there in a flash!

I read through your posts...looks like you're getting lots accomplished.