Monday, March 13, 2006

Some photos to share with my readers

Like the dog, somedays the best place is close to the stove during the winter. Other times the outdoors seems to call one to come out and see the beauty that nature has wrought. Truly I feel blessed to be here and doing what I love.

Spring is just around the corner there are flowers peeking up through the sod, and some bushes show signs of life as they turn green and yellow. The cycle of life goes on...


Peggy said...

As much as I am enjoying the warm weather and working in the garden I envy you the snow. I do love winter most of all! The photos are beautiful as well as your cabinets. I can see why they were added. Good luck with the deer as they seem to be in everyones garden these days.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Love your pictures. I used to have an old yeller dog like yours. Great companion. Your floors look terrific for an old farm house. Obviously you are a better housekeeper than me.

Are those current pictures of snow outside. if so it is reassuring that you folk so far South are still struggling with the end of Winter. Our snow is starting to go but is still 2 feet deep on the fields.

You must be dreaming of the garden you will plant. Me too!

Rachel said...

Great pictures. The dog has the right idea!!

CBD Simplist said...

Looks like heaven!