Thursday, March 30, 2006

Frick and Frack are back and they are not happy

My neighbor brought Frick and Frack (my wayward geese) back this morning. He said his kids just herded them into his barn with no trouble at all, hummmph. I bet there would have been trouble if I had tried it. I noticed he was very careful how he positioned himself when he helped me get them into the new cage (Goose Jail #1). We mentioned to him about the geese making alot of noise and as he drove off he said "ya, but you'll get used to it" as he smiled. Hmmm, me thinks I got the geese back because he wasn't about to get used to their noise.

When ever I go near them they hissss, and honk, ruffle their feathers and act tough. I guess I am going to have to bribe them into at least liking me a little.

They better get used to their new home, they are going to be there a while.

Photos to be posted later.. sigh


Rachel said...

Sounds like you had a wild time with the geese!!

Peggy said...

hope frick and frack have warmed up to you by now and love their new home.