Saturday, September 30, 2006

New Goat Stand

I am new to tending goats and need all the help I can get with these squirming, kicking, free spirits. I have put together a goat milking stand which also can be used to examin, medicate, hold 'em for their hoof trimming which has to be done on a regular basis, as well as (we hope) milking the little darlings. This was the first time for me trimming the hoofs of goats and it was the first time they had it done by me. So it was a good test of the strength of the stand as these goats didn't want to have their feet messed with by the rank beginner (Me). The goats got trimmed I learned what I need to do to make the stand more efficient. The goats got a treat, so they would think better of the contraption later. We shall see the next time I put them in the goat milking stand :)


Peggy said...

you are so talented!! I am wanting a goat stand so badly! Miss Diva gets tied while I sit on a stool to milk her. Hubby has promised to build one but he is never home. You are giving me courage to think I might be able to do it myself!

Anonymous said...

So its come to this. Stuck in the middle of Kentucky doing pedicures on goats. We had such high hopes for you. My, my, my. Margot

Julia said...


Yes, I guess I am a dissapointment to many, but the farm life has got me in its grasp and I guess I will end up as an "Old Milk Maid". Nice of you to drop by.