Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ducks Cute Ducks

While shopping at the local feed store, I bought some ducks. The ducks were cute if they survive they will grow up to be Pekin ducks nice white ones and they will lay duck eggs. Why ducks? I guess I am a sucker for cute little animals. I hear they eat bugs, we shall see. I hope they don't eat the garden instead of the bugs.


Donna. W said...

Just remember, ducks are "sitting ducks" for dogs and varmints. Unless you plan to keep them penned up and safe.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Donna is right. Ducks are slow and stay together as a flock and are easy victums of predators.

They are lovely to watch. Pekin ducks will love a little pond or tub of water to play in and groom.

Muscovy Ducks are my favourite. They are dry land ducks. they are used in barns to keep the fly population down as the eat lots of flies. Their flesh is different that other ducks.

I wish you lots of joy with your ducks.

Julia said...

We shall be looking for a tub just for the ducks. I am hoping that they will eat more flies than they attract. :)

Anonymous said...

Those ducks are so cute. Wish I had room to have some. A friend has ducks and she puts a hard plastic kiddie pool out for the ducks.

Julia said...

A kiddie pool seems like a good idea. I could then empty and clean it so they would have a clean place to swim.