Well things are moving along here at the farm. Spring arrived after a false start and now it is here for good, I hope. We have been busy planting that's for sure. More fruit trees went in so we are up to twelve fruit trees with two more on the way. Thorn less blackberry bushes have been planted (6), rhubarb roots (4), asparagus roots (10), sweet corn three rows, one hill each of pumpkin and gourds, two rows of Irish potatoes, one row of sweet peas, one row of string beans, one row of onions, twelve tomato plants, water melon, musk melon, sweet peppers, garlic, carrots, radishes, lettuce, eggplant, cabbage, concord grape vines (2) and there are sweet potatoes coming that have to be planted and more water melons and winter squash also red raspberry bushes. I also planted some herbs to see if they will take.
The ducks are doing fine getting big, I moved them to the barn, they were in my utility room and the smell was getting to me, so I moved them out to the barn. Only lost one duck to a predator so we are down to ten ducks. They have a nice cage to spend the night in so don't worry about them to much. The ducks haven't gotten enough courage to go outside on their own yet, but they are getting closer to the door every day :)
The goose is sitting her eggs about six eggs I guess, unless she had a visit from the neighbor's gander I think her efforts will be fruitless this year.
The baby goats are doing fine I took them to the vet and had them dehorned. This procedure is not for the squeamish or those that don't like strong smells. The method used to stop horn growth is to use a very hot iron on the horn bud, the bud gets burned the goats scream the smoke rises and you feel either sick to your stomach and or sad for the goats. They also got some shots and in the process my hand got in the way and I got stuck with the needle too. :(
I am still looking for a farm tractor-went to an auction last weekend and got out bid for a rather stout Massey Ferguson tractor with front loader. There is another auction this weekend I hope I have better luck this time.
I was at Wally World today and I checked the prices of canning jars, OMG, the prices are outrageous. Well maybe there will be some for sale at the auction coming up. Got to have jars if I want to put things up for this winter. Peach season will be upon us soon and I want to make peach jam and then there will be strawberry season too! I better get over the price shock and get some jars this week. I am looking forward to using my new canning equipment, I have a new pressure canner and hot water bath canner with all the usual tools to help can the harvest. I also have a " new to me" freezer to help put up some of the harvest. I have to remember to leave room for when one of the calves comes back from the butcher this fall. I hope to sell one of them at auction and sell half of the other after butchering. That will pay for next year's calves or what ever I raise. Gee I wonder where I could put a piglet or two?
It has been raining off and on all day, there is a flood advisory for the county and I am sure that at least one road is impassable to town. Yup, either not enough or to much all at once.
All and all things are going well looking forward to the summer and getting more done around here.
Glad to see you post that things are going well for you. If you will check yard sales, sometimes you can pick up canning jars pretty cheap. If you belong to a local church, let people know that you're interested in canning jars. Many times people no longer can produce and have jars just sitting in their basement. There were canning lids for sale on ebay at a really good price.
Thanks for the tip I will keep an eye out for yard sales.
Hi Kitty,
I often see canning jars at garage sales around here, maybe you can find some that way.
I liked the pictures from the auction. Looks like you were just about the only woman there.
- TromboneAl
I enjoyed your blog very much and happen to have some canning jars I am looking to sell. I have the Ball 1/2 pint jars and will sell them for $4.50 a dozen brand new. Let me know if I can help!
Eric Hymel 859-200-9673
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