It has been quiet here since the carpenters have departed. They won't be gone for good I still have three windows that need replacing and a barn roof that needs mending.
I have been playing with the fire wood, stacking the wood according to size and dryness. Most of the smaller pieces are drying rather well, the large pieces are a long ways to go yet. This year I got quite a few small irregular shaped pieces which would be time consuming to stack. So I made a crib out of larger blocks to pile the small pieces in so that they will dry and be easily accessible. I hope to get all the wood off the ground before the cold wet weather comes. I hope to put a stove in the cellar to try and heat the house with it. The carpenters suggested this and one of them does it and heats his house all winter that way. I am going over to the Tin Shop and discuss it with them they sell stoves and furnaces and may be able to advise me on what size stove I should have in the cellar.
I have had the termite pest control people over to give me their estimate of the termite and powder post beetle control program. The prices are all over the map and the work they will do and how they will do it varies from complex to simple. My job now is to compare the estimates and choose one to do the work and of course pay for it.
I got new neighbors next door stopped by and introduced myself they seem nice.
Made some apple butter and canned it only eight half pints but that ought to be enough for me this winter. I am planning on putting up seven pints of applesauce too, I love that applesauce.
The weather has stayed warm even though officially it is Autumn, the weather should moderate later this week and .... dare I say it? We might (!) just get some rain. Well let's hope so.
I put up an electric fence to keep the calves in close to the barn the little boys have been naughty and have been running off to play with the neighbors cows. The bigger one got in with the big herd and it will be a while before he is cut out of the herd and sent back to where he belongs. In a couple of months they will be sent to the butchers and a few months after that I will start all over with a few more calves.
Hi Kitty,
Recommend you check out the forums at for advice on choosing a wood stove and on firewood in general.
- TromboneAl
I just discovered your blog and have been treating myself to a cup of coffee and reading back through your adventures!
Have you considered writing a book of your journey to this farm woman life? I think it would be a good one!
Cary at Serenity Farms
Nice to hear from you both. Thanks for the lead Al.
Cary I have thought about turning the blog into a book, to me it is just the everyday events of living in a rural community on a very small farm. Mot very exciting in my estimation, glad you like it though. Your blog is very nice, I love those sheep.
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