The sound of rain on the metal roof and the distant rumble of thunder, once a common sound here at the farm, but of late not so familiar. I always know when it is real thunder and not some farmer blowing up a tree stump, my big yellow Labrador retriever looks for a place to hide, she doesn't like the thunder. She is trying to get behind my old file cabinet right now and won't come out till I move or the thunder is all over.
Yesterday evening we had rain showers that got the ground wet, I didn't think it did much good. This morning it looked like it might rain again. I thought about it and got out to the wood pile and stacked some more wood before the rain started. I also got an old mattress out of the cellar. Gosh that thing was ugly, it is now sitting in the pick up truck bed, getting wet, waiting to be hauled the road for trash day tomorrow. I sure hope they take it.
I have made apple butter and apple sauce just barely enough for myself I may have to make some more for gifts and trading. Peeling and coring the apples is not that hard just tedious after a dozen apples you wonder if it is worth the effort, however once I get that homemade apple butter on my tongue with homemade whole wheat bread I know for sure it was worth all the effort. With my mid-morning break I had coffee, toasted homemade whole wheat bread with peach jam I made myself. I don't even have to blush it was good. I finished off the biscuits this morning as I had biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I guess it is time to make more biscuits just one more thing to do, I guess I will just add it to the list.
So for the rest of the day I will do inside jobs like staining the new doors and if that goes well staining the new wood in the kitchen floor. For a while though I think I will just sit here and listen to the rain on the metal roof. As long as there are no leaks of course. After this long drought that rain sound on the roof is sure welcome.
send some of that rain this way will ya? I want to sit on my new back porch and listen to the rain on the tin roof. :)
I love reading your blog. Glad to see you got some rain. We did too down here in Tennessee finally. I'm impressed that you are starting early with your preparations for winter. Keep up the good work.
You amaze me with your energy. I really admire that you are following your dream, and in the years that are "supposed" to be your retirement years.
We've been making peach jam, peach butter, and canned peaches here, and I am so tired of looking at peaches!
Apples are next, and I think most of the end result will be given away. I'm sure we will be happy to be eating the fruit in the middle of winter, but it is a lot of work.
Those who romanticize rural life need a reality check, but it is worth the effort.
I know some people have a vision of retirement as laying by the pool waiting for their turn at the bridge table or shuffle board, but that has never been my vision.
Most of my folks lived into their eighties and a few into their nineties still doing their fair share of chores and caring for folks, children, growing food, and animals and participating in life to the fullest extent they could.
I am just continuing in that tradition and frame of mind. This is not a hard life just a busy one. I have often said it is not for everyone, but it is a slice of haven for me.
Those times your sharing now with your family making jam and putting up food for later is building a foundation of self reliance and respect that will last them a lifetime no matter where life takes them. All that with a case of jam to share, isn't that great?
You are so right! My vision of retirement is not going on tours with old folks, playing shuffle board, or going to a senior center.
Keeping busy keeps you "young", and in good shape.
My grandfather lived to be ninety, and was always working on something.
When I was a little kid, and he was in his seventies, he would line all of us kids up and race us to the road. He always won!
Keep on keeping on!
I envy your energy and that you are following your dream.
I love the sound of the rain on a tin roof and we are getting that now! When we woke this morning that was the first sound we heard and very welcoming!
I love your journal and will be looking forward to reading more!
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