I now have my own tractor with a front loader, however I don't have a bush hog (bush mower) for my tractor yet. I went over to a neighbor's and borrowed his bush hog. This was my first time on the road with the tractor and it was a beautiful morning crisp and sunny. As I rode along on my tractor I found out what it is like to maneuver over the road and get passed by cars and trucks, some folks pass a little to close if you ask me. If folks pass to close and tangle with a tractor it could be serious those big wheels can tear up a car.
After visiting with my neighbor and of course trading gossip and stories drinking coffee, eating another breakfast and analyzing what is wrong with the government we went to his shop. He tried hooking up an older style mower and it wouldn't clear the ground enough to take on the road, so he lent me his regular bush hog. After it was hooked up he noted that it needed a sway bar and proceeded to cut and weld one together, in less than a half hour he had a nice tailored sway bar for the tractor.
So I took the hog and tractor back to my place and ended up mowing the fields for the rest of the afternoon. Gosh those tractors and mowers are loud and after five hours on the tractor your butt is tired your legs weak and you don't hear so good, maybe I need a new muffler for the tractor or ear plugs. I continued to mow the following day, now I am learning a lot more about the lay of the land on the farm and it is lumpy and there are hazards.
I got to close to what I thought was a dry creek and found out it wasn't so dry and it was deep. The tractor and I were at an angle I didn't care for and it had stalled out. I get the tractor started again stopped the mower lifted the mower deck put it in low range and reverse. The tractor backed out of the creek as pretty as you please, thank goodness :) I figured I had better be a little more cautious for the rest of the day so I stayed away from the creek and pond this time around. I also hogged the garden area the weeds had gone wild there and now they are no more. I had a good day and the fields look much better I'll post pictures later.
Bush hog. Such a lovely term.
Bush Hog, is the name of a piece of equipment that a company that makes them gave it and now that name has become a noun and a verb because of common usage. There are lots of words like that in American English. It makes our language more interesting and lively don't you think?
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